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Great Hockey Shooting Tarp Practice Drills

Great Hockey Shooting Tarp Practice Drills

Using a hockey shooting tarp to strengthen your game is a great choice. While many of the other players during this world crisis will sit around and do nothing you will be sharpening your skills and improving your overall game from your own home on your own time. There are many things you can do to improve your game, but we have put together a few practice drills that are meant to up your game to the top. Give them a shot and see for yourself.

Box Toe-Drag Drill

This drill will help you to control the puck better, as you work on your shots. You will learn how to handle your stick while you practice moving on your feet. It all is done by using the toe of your blade.

You start by facing sideways to the tarp.

Spin on one foot, right of left and step back with your other foot as you move in a circle. As you do this, pull the puck in a straight line using the toe of your blade.

Do this four times to make a “box” with your progress.

When you face the tarp, take your best forehand or backhand shot.

Repeat as many times as you want.

Backhand Drill

Improving your backhand shot is mandatory if you want to be the best. Short, quick slaps are powerful tools to have when you’re in close and want to score that point. Here is a drill that will help you get the most out of your backhands.

Line up all of your pucks in a straight line that goes away from the tarp.

Work your way further away from the goal by hitting the pucks with a backhand shot one by one. Just shoot and step back, shoot and step back, until you get through all of the pucks.

Once you go through them all, retrieve them, and do it all over again, but place them in different areas to improve tough angle shots.

This practice will help you improve your accuracy, your strength, and of course your speed.

In-Tight Hockey Shooting Drill

Getting upfront and in-tight is absolutely necessary when you want to win. Practicing these kinds of shots will be the difference between scoring and not scoring. Being in close and able to pop the puck up and over the goaltender with great speed is a great skill to have. This drill will help you get there.

Set up a good number of pucks within reach for you to shoot.

Bring the puck from upfront to the forehand side.

Scoop the puck up towards the left hole in the shooting tarp.

Don’t stop, keep shooting until the pucks are gone.

Repeat steps above

This will sharpen your speed skills along with your agility and shooting accuracy.

Forever Practice

Forever practice as much as you possibly can. Every winner has taken the time to sharpen their skills before they put them into action. For more drills and practice exercises visit the Sniper’s Edge Hockey ice hockey drills page.

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