What is the Ideal Health Insurance for Mothers and Why is it Significantly Important?

health insurance

Middle-aged women are likely to have illnesses like thyroid, diabetes, tumours, etc. They are also prone to different illnesses connected to menopause. This puts women, especially mothers, in a vulnerable position when it comes to their health.

This is why it becomes essential for mothers to opt for a good health insurance policy that offers comprehensive health coverage. Apart from the policy coverage it is also crucial to learn about various other aspects while purchasing health insurance, one among them is the cashless health insurance facility.

In this article, we will delve into the specifics of why it is important for mothers to get a health insurance plan.

Why is Health Insurance Essential for Mothers?

Women Specific Health Insurance Coverage

There are certain diseases that are women-specific, like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. Treatment of these critical illnesses is quite expensive and without health insurance for women.

Paying for these medical expenses could be a lot of burden for a woman, especially when they are already stressed about their illness. This is why insurance for women’s health is quite important.

Insurance Plans For Pregnant Women

Health insurance is crucial for mothers, especially pregnant women, as it covers prenatal care, delivery expenses, and postnatal care. It provides financial protection against unexpected medical costs, ensuring access to quality healthcare during pregnancy, and safeguarding both the mother and the baby’s well-being.

Mental Health Benefits

As per the Mental Healthcare Act in India, health insurance with maternity cover also offers mental health coverage. Mental health issues need timely care and treatment just as much as any other medical illnesses. A mental health cover ensures coverage against expenses from treatments of mental health issues.

Covers Pre-Existing Illness

Health insurance is vital for mothers, particularly for covering pre-existing illnesses. Some middle-aged mothers might be facing pre-existing health issues like diabetes, thyroid, etc. These types of long-term illnesses require a long-term treatment process. In due time, the expenses of these long-term treatments can add up to a massive medical bill. Through health insurance coverage mothers can get coverage for ongoing treatments, consultations, medications, and hospitalisations related to pre-existing conditions.

Ensures Peace of Mind

Sudden health issues can cause a lot of stress. But At the very least, through health insurance plans for women, the financial stress is taken care of by the insurance companies. This ensures that mothers can have peace of mind knowing they are financially protected in case of any medical emergencies.

Tax Benefits

Under the Income Tax Act, women have the right to get tax reductions when they pay for a health insurance policy. This discount amount can go up to INR 50,000 for older mothers (senior citizens). This leads to a deduction in the total payable tax amount.

Factors to Consider while Choosing a Health Insurance Plan for a Mother

Compare Health Insurance Coverage Options

To ensure the best insurance for women’s health it is important to research well regarding the features, benefits, inclusions, exclusions, claims process, premiums, etc., and choose one that fits your requirements.

Waiting Period

The waiting period refers to the designated period after an illness is diagnosed. It is advisable to choose a health insurance policy with a lower waiting period.

Exclusions and Inclusions

Different policy plans have different exclusions and inclusions for example certain health insurance plans offer pre-existing illness coverage while some do not. Thus it becomes important to know and analyse all the details of your health insurance policy.


Eligibility criteria play an important role in selecting a health insurance plan for women. This eligibility criteria may vary from one insurer to another. Hence, learn about the eligibility and maximum renewal age before purchasing a health insurance plan.

Wrapping Up

All mothers deserve a health insurance plan that caters to their medical needs. These days, we have easier access to medical care and health insurance. Getting the right kind of insurance for women’s health ensures that mothers get all the health services they require without having the burden of finances.